Ouachita Baptist University and Arkadelphia elementary students to present Honor Choir concert Nov. 17

Ouachita Baptist University will host the Honor Choir in concert on Saturday, Nov.
17, at 3 p.m. in McBeth Recital Hall, located in Mabee Fine Arts Center. The Honor
Choir features elementary students from the Arkadelphia public schools who have been
preparing for the concert with the help of Ouachita music education majors.
This semester, Ouachita’s music education majors have worked with Arkadelphia elementary
school students for both the benefit of the children and to gain hands-on experience
teaching music. Ouachita students also will assist in directing the concert on Saturday.
The concert will include spiritual songs, songs in Latin, a song cycle on animals
and more.
“Every rehearsal, one student does warm-ups and another student teaches a singing game at the end of rehearsal.
It is a lab experience for them as they are learning how to teach elementary age students,”
said Dr. Becky Morrison, assistant professor of music at Ouachita who oversees the
choir. “They also help the choir by singing with them or keeping them on track with
their music, etc.”
In preparation for the Honor Choir concert, Ouachita students have had the opportunity
to be immersed in the children’s atmosphere.
“This has been a great example of hands-on learning for me as an education student
because I have been able to work on how I interact with younger students,” said Emma
Pitts, a junior music education major from Clarksville, Ark. “Elementary and middle
school students are so different from interacting with high school students and my
peers; it has been nice getting more comfortable with that age group.”
For Bailey Brown, a junior music education major from Colorado Springs, Colo., working
with the children to bring to life all that the students have learned in the classroom
is the most influential aspect of the Honor Choir.
“I love getting to watch how a children’s choir is really run,” Brown said. “There’s
only so much that can be learned about that kind of stuff in a lecture setting, so
it’s good to watch our professor implement and demonstrate all the things she’s been
telling us and try it ourselves.”
For more information, contact Dr. Becky Morrison at [email protected] or (870) 245-5143.
By Brooke Woessner
November 15, 2018
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