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Our Mission

Mission Statement

Christian Studies prepares students to understand the historical, biblical, theological, philosophical, and practical content and context of the Christian faith, to live out the Christian life personally, and to engage the world in ministry.

Grounding Affirmations

  • We are human beings created in the image of God.
  • We are followers of Jesus Christ.
  • We are educators who teach and affirm evangelical Christianity within a Southern Baptist context while educating students to think critically about other theological and philosophical positions.
  • We advocate a servant-leader model of Christian life and ministry.
  • We seek to integrate quality scholarship with a vibrant Christian faith.


In relation to our local community:

We seek to transform our local community by living as responsible citizens (i.e., loving our neighbors as ourselves), by being servant-leaders in the community, and by offering an authentic Christian witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and deed.

In relation to churches:

  • We seek to offer a liberal arts education in the context of a Southern Baptist university under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • We seek to be involved in Christian ministry.
  • We seek to prepare students for effective Christian ministry.
  • We seek to offer resources to churches and church leaders.
  • We seek to edify and enhance churches.


In relation to the broader university community:

  • We will serve as faculty for select Interdisciplinary Studies courses (e.g., Survey of the Bible, Interpreting the Bible, Introduction to Liberal Arts).
  • We will provide a biblical, theological, and philosophical foundation for all students.
  • We will promote the integration of faith and learning along with the development of a Christian worldview among administrators, faculty, staff, and students.


In relation to the global community:  

  • We seek to increase the university's global awareness by facilitating opportunities for faculty and students to learn from other cultures.
  • We seek to enhance the university's involvement in the global Christian movement to transform the world.
  • We seek to encourage faculty, staff and students toward individual participation in opportunities for Christian proclamation and service.


In relation to Christian studies students:


The Department of Biblical Studies and Theology seeks to prepare students for church-related ministry and seminary training by focusing on the study and interpretation of the Bible, theological analysis, and practical application.

The Department of Philosophy seeks to provide a context in which students can think critically and creatively about fundamental questions posed by human life and experience. Confident that the search for truth ultimately points toward God as its source, we encourage students to participate in and contribute to the philosophic quest for truth, wisdom, and the meaningful life. We seek to engender a reflective approach to life that produces integrity of belief and action.

The Department of Christian Ministries seeks to help students understand the theology, nature, and challenges of Christian ministry and to prepare students for effective ministry in the 21st century.

The Department of Christian Missions seeks to help students understand the history, theology, purposes and challenges of the Christian mission, and to prepare students to proclaim the Gospel effectively in the global community of the 21st century.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to exegete the Bible, deriving valid interpretations and applications.
  2. Students will grasp foundational components of Christian Theology, including Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Biblical Theology and Practical Theology.
  3. Students will be able to think critically and clearly about foundational beliefs, e.g., the nature and existence of God, truth, and morality, in order to better understand their own worldview and effectively engage competing worldviews and ethical systems.
  4. Students will be able to understand the theological, biblical and practical elements of Christian Ministry.
  5. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of the biblical, historical, theological, cultural and strategic perspectives on the Christian world movement.
  6. Students will gain an understanding of the PSCS curriculum and vocational opportunities for their major, reflectively integrate their overall course work experience at OBU, and evaluate their particular curricular experience in the School of Christian Studies.
  7. Students will gain first-hand practical experience in ministry, missions, or service.

Christian Ministries:
 Students will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical and theological basis of ministry and be able to apply that practically within a ministry setting.

Christian Missions: Students will demonstrate an in-depth comprehension of the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of the world Christian movement including an understanding of the practical application of sound missiological principles in various religious and worldview contexts.

Biblical Studies and Theology: Students will learn how to interpret the Bible in light of its historical and literary context, to understand its theological message, and to apply that message in practical ways.

Philosophy: Students will learn how to think critically, carefully, and from a Christian worldview about fundamental questions posed by human life and experience toward integrity in thought and action.

Next Steps



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