Ouachita to host Called to Teach Conference on July 19

Ouachita Baptist University’s Huckabee School of Education will host its annual Called to Teach Conference on Friday, July 19, in Walker Conference Center, 485 Campus Drive. The 2024 conference theme is “Keeping the Joy.” Registration costs $50 and includes lunch and a conference T-shirt and bag.
Attendees can receive six hours of professional development credit through the Arkansas Department of Education.
This year’s keynote speaker is Donaven Sims, principal at Bethel Middle School in Bryant, Ark., who was named the 2022 Principal of the Year by the Arkansas Association of Elementary School Principals. A former teacher and coach, Sims was principal for seven years at Bryant’s Salem Elementary School before moving to Bethel. Under his leadership, Salem was named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School while consistently achieving recognition for strong student test performance and academic growth.
Conference check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. and will be followed by a welcome at 9 a.m. from Karli Saracini, assistant commissioner for the ADE. Throughout the day, educator-led breakout sessions will cover topics including classroom management, mentoring, “Jesus the Master Teacher,” morphology and ChatGPT.
Register for Called to Teach at obu.edu/calledtoteach; for more information, contact Dr. Gail Hughes at [email protected] or (870) 245-5429. Learn about Ouachita’s online Master of Education degree in curriculum & instruction at obu.edu/curriculum-instruction.
Lead photo by Levi Dade
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