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Ouachita Stories


Remember the name

Inspiration for what to name your Tiger Traks team

Tiger Traks mud tug-of-warApril 05, 2019 - Phoebe Huff

Get ready! “Arkansas’ most exciting college weekend” is almost here! Nope, not Battle of the Ravine or Homecoming. It’s Tiger Traks! Did you know Traks started as a bike race but has since evolved into the insane array of activities that it is now? Besides raising student scholarships for your fellow students to continue their education at Ouachita, it is a weekend full of friends, mud and good competition.

When you sign up with a team of eight, it is just $15 per person to pay for your registration and T-shirt. After you sign up comes the most important part. (Well, unless you’re a team that practices before the competition. That’s legit, too.) This is what will set you apart from everyone else. This is what everyone will know you as. This is your team name.

So, take your time in choosing and, if you’re in need of a little inspiration, here are some of my favorite team names used in recent years.

The Him Tarrells
I would also recommend the Sen Bells or Ricky Rogers … Oh, wait. Okay, that last one didn’t work, but you get it.

The Girls on Fire
The Ouachita Student Foundation would like to report that no students were on fire while participating in Tiger Traks.

The Killer Whales
PETA said the name was okay.

Abusement Park
PETA did not think this name was okay.

The Careers
Who doesn’t love a good movie reference? #Throwback to the “Hunger Games” craze.

Victorious Secret
*“Victorious” television show theme song plays in the background.*

Wolf Pack
A sacred name that comes with the legendary wolf pack shirt.

Barking Spiders
This is truly the most intimidating thing I’ve ever heard of. Just picture it. Enough said.

Extremely Processed Sandwich Meat
This first place team proved GMOs are for winners.

Moving Violations
Whelan Security probably gave them tickets after winning Traks in 2014.

I'm looking forward to this year's memorable team names. Have fun at Traks, everyone!


By Phoebe Huff, a junior mass communications major from Jonesboro, Ark.




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