Pandemic Profiles: Chester Mitchell, Sr., and Coleman Rogers
March 09, 2021With nicknames like “double trouble” and “salt and pepper,” Chester Mitchell, Sr., and Coleman Rogers are the carpentry team for Facilities Management at Ouachita and are not only rarely seen apart but also good friends. With the work the duo had cut out for them last summer, any less than two sets of hands and a good sense of humor would have made overhauling campus with needed protective measures incredibly difficult.
Pandemic Profiles: Kristi Seals and Kristin Kesterson, Ouachita's COVID-19 Testing Center
March 01, 2021For many Ouachita students, the slightest sign of COVID-19 symptoms or the realization that they have been exposed to a positive case causes anxiety, naturally. But since students returned to campus for residential learning in August 2020, they have had two on-campus “mommas” to call for guidance: Kristin Kesterson and Kristi Seals.
Pandemic Profiles: Matt Douglass, Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
January 11, 2021After months of remote learning in the spring of 2020, Ouachita students were able to return to their physically-distanced classrooms and desks on campus in mid-August. One of the individuals who made on-campus learning possible is Dr. Matt Douglass, assistant to the vice president for academic affairs and institutional research analyst.
Observing Advent: Joy in suffering
December 15, 2020When we are hurting, grieving or anxious about the future, it is hard to be on the same page as James when he wrote, "when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." I know my faith has been through a standardized test amount of testing this year, but I also know the darkest seasons of my life are when I have seen God work the most.
Observing Advent: Finding peace in a turbulent world
December 08, 2020We look for an answer to all of the heartache and confusion in this life. We long for peace. In our continuing celebration of Advent, Dr. William Viser reminds us of the similarly turbulent times before the coming of the Messiah, the Prince of Peace.
Pandemic Profiles: Kevin Herrington, Network Services Administrator
November 18, 2020When Ouachita sent students home for an extended Spring Break in March of 2020, it took some by surprise. Thankfully, Ouachita's Kevin Herrington and the Office of IT Services had already been working on contingency plans for the possibility of remote learning.
A survey of Ouachita faculty and staff's watch lists: TV shows and more
August 04, 2020While you probably have exhausted Netflix and other streaming services during quarantine, there might be a few movies and shows you still have left to check out! We asked Ouachita’s faculty and staff to share a few of their favorites.
Facing this moment in history: Why your response matters
July 07, 2020My – and perhaps your – experience with the pandemic has been fairly positive so far. But this has not been the case for everyone. Whether you are wanting to maximize this time or struggling with your experiences, I humbly offer the following words of encouragement and challenge.
Struggling with motivation? Here are tips to help you
April 29, 2020Struggling with motivation? Here are some tips from university counselor Dan Jarboe to help you.
Reflections on Psalm 46: Stand empty
April 13, 2020To finish the Psalm, God himself speaks. Is he speaking to the nations or to his people? It’s hard to tell exactly, but it seems to apply to both. In fact, God might just be speaking to all of creation, reminding us and them and the whole world that he alone is God!
Whose story gets told, and who gets to tell it? These questions and others lie at the heart of my flagship course History of American Women, which I am fortunate to teach this semester. As an historian of women and gender, I eagerly anticipate every opportunity to teach the class. We all participate in the course of human events; we all deserve to see ourselves represented in the historical record.
Pandemic Profiles: Kari Ledford, Sodexo Retail and Marketing Manager
January 22, 2021Consider providing three meals a day to Ouachita’s residential campus of roughly 1,500 students, physically distanced, observing the Arkansas Department of Health and CDC’s vigilant cleaning guidelines and all while keeping lines of hungry students moving. For Kari Ledford, Sodexo’s retail and marketing manager, and her team, their focus was always Ouachita students and their safety.
A survey of Ouachita faculty and staff's Christmas traditions
December 16, 2020The time has come for hot chocolate, Christmas lights and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. As I thought about my own family memories and holiday festivities, I wanted to ask Ouachita faculty and staff to share a few of their favorite Christmas traditions.
If you can't see very far ahead, go ahead as far as you can see
December 08, 2020In an historic commencement for Ouachita, Dr. Ben Sells addressed 2020 graduates on Dec. 5 by reflecting on the difficulties of the year and offering words of wisdom that were once shared with him.
Observing Advent: Hoping for change
December 03, 2020How do you feel about the year 2020? The question is, will 2021 be any better? I hope so. That is the thing about hope. Hope expects things to change. Hope says someday, maybe someday soon, our troubles and struggles will come to an end.
Pandemic Profiles: Randall Quillin, Building Services Supervisor
October 27, 2020Remember at the onset of COVID-19 in the U.S. when toilet paper was impossible to find and hand sanitizer was out of stock? Imagine the demand for those supplies on a college campus, specifically at Ouachita. Thanks to the work of Randall Quillin, building services supervisor in Ouachita’s Office of Facilities Management, and his building services team, Ouachita was able secure needed supplies to return to on-campus classes.
Crafting a kinder society: Getting started with social justice studies
July 22, 2020This summer, millions of Americans and people from dozens of countries posted to social media, marched, and signed petitions against systematic racism. From the vantage point of a historian of social change, this is staggering.
What does the Bible say about race?
June 23, 2020Any serious biblical study of race or ethnicity should start in Genesis 1. The Bible does not start off with the creation of a special or privileged race of people. When the first human being is created he is simply called Adam, which is Hebrew for “humankind.”
Reflections on Psalm 46: Final thoughts
April 14, 2020We will have times of trouble; of that we can be sure. We live in a broken, sinful world. We’re in the middle of a tough trial now with this coronavirus pandemic. But God has not left us alone. He is speaking to us profoundly in Psalm 46:1-11.
Reflections on Psalm 46: Come, see the works of the Lord
April 08, 2020We are invited to “come and see” the works of the Lord. Look at what the Lord has done and is doing. Never a bad thing. Sometimes we see the Lord’s works made visible in our world, and at other times we see with the eyes of faith his deep work in the hearts of people.
About the Ouachita Voices blog
The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].
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