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Students wishing to undertake a program of pre-engineering other than the Arts-Engineering programs should complete as many of the following courses as possible before transferring:

MATH 1034, 2014, 2024, 3034, 3043
PHYS 1112, 2054, 2064, 2123, 2133, 3123
CHEM 1004, 1014
CORE 1043, 2053 (Composition 1 and 2)
CSCI 1044

The Mathematics courses are especially important, since MATH 3034 is prerequisite to many junior-level courses in engineering.


Arts-Engineering (Dual Degree)

Cooperating with the University of Arkansas, Louisiana Tech University, and the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Ouachita Baptist University offers several combination programs. The joint program with the cooperating schools allows students to graduate with degrees from both schools in approximately five years. A student will initially begin a course of study at Ouachita in Engineering Physics, followed by 1 to 3 years at one of the cooperating schools. At the end of a students course of study at the engineering school, they will graduate with an engineering degree from that school. After at least one year after starting their engineering course of study, they can transfer back needed courses to complete their B.S. in Engineering Physics degree at Ouachita. In order to receive a degree from Ouachita under this program, a student must complete each of the courses listed below. At least sixty-six semester hours, including at least twenty at the junior-senior level, must be completed at Ouachita. In those cases in which the Bachelors degree is conferred before the engineering degree, the student must have completed a total of 120 semester hours with a grade point average of 2.000 in all courses at both schools in which grade points are given.

Physics Core at Ouachita (24 hours)
PHYS 1121 Intro to Physics & Engineering
PHYS 2054 University Physics 1
PHYS 2064 University Physics 2
PHYS 2123 Statics
PHYS 2133 Dynamics
PHYS 3004 Intro. to Modern Physics
PHYS 3123 Electrical Circuits
PHYS 3131 Electrical Circuit lab
PHYS 4601 Senior Capstone Experience

Additional Degree Requirements (33 hours)
CHEM 1004 General Chemistry 1
CHEM 1014 General Chemistry 2
MATH 2014 Calculus 1
MATH 2024 Calculus 2
MATH 3034 Calculus 3
MATH 3043 Differential Equations
COMM 1003 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
CSCI 1044 Computer Programming 1
One additional upper level Math course

Summary of Requirements 
120 hours: Total to graduate
40 hours: Junior-senior level
Physics             24 hours (9 jr-sr)
Additional       33 hours (10 jr-sr)
Transferred     14 hours (14 jr-sr)
CORE               38 hours (4 jr-sr)
Elective             11 hours (3 jr-sr)

Must take the following or have transfer equivalent:
PHYS 3034 Electricity & Magnetism I
PHYS 4003 Classical Mechanics I
7 Additional hours of upper level Physics equivalent classes.

NOTE: If a student can not complete all of the Ouachita
Physics Core before transferring, then any missing courses
or equivalents will also have to be transferred back to
Ouachita to complete the engineering physics degree.

Ouachita CORE Requirements (38 hours)
CORE 1002 OBU Connections
KIN 1002 Concepts of Wellness
CORE 1023 The Contemporary World
CORE 1043 Composition 1
CORE 2053 Composition 2
CORE 1113 Survey of the Bible
CORE 1123 Interpreting the Bible
CORE 2233 World Literature
CORE 2213 Western Civilization
PSCI 2013 American National Government
Fine Arts Menu: Choose one of following three
CORE 3113 Art
CORE 3123 Music
CORE 3133 Theatre
FINA 4011 Arts Engagement Series
Two Semesters of One Foreign/Biblical Language (6 hours)


B.S. Degree in Engineering Physics

Students who plan to earn a graduate degree in engineering may choose to earn a B.S. degree in engineering physics at Ouachita before enrolling in an ABET accredited graduate engineering school. Students accepted into graduate programs in engineering must complete the requirements of a specific program of choice at the engineering graduate school. A Masters degree in Engineering is awarded upon completion of the graduate course of study. Ouachita students have used this pattern to earn masters degrees from graduate programs at Texas A&M University and The University of Texas.

Note I: Some University of Arkansas graduate programs require an undergraduate engineering degree from an accredited engineering school for entry into its graduate program (such as Mechanical Engineering). If a student wishes to attend graduate school at the University of Arkansas and finds their desired masters program requires an undergraduate engineering degree, our dual degree option would be the path a student should take.

Note II: Most graduate schools will require a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better, with most admitted students being around 3.75 or better.

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