Initial Portfolio Workshops
To be announced and held in McClellan 312.
Applications to the Teacher Education Program
Applications are due to Huckabee School of Education(McC311)
See the Teacher Education Handbook for "Gate One." Be certain to take your Praxis/Core tests early so that your scores
are available with your application.
Applications for Student Teaching Internships
Applications are due in the Huckabee School of Education Office on dates and times
announced. Be sure to include a transcript and your Praxis II scores for your content
Initial Portfolio Presentation and Interviews
Initial Portfolio Presentations and Interviews will be held during the Fall and Spring
semesters. Portfolios are to be turned in by noon on the day specified. Interviews
are normally held at 4:30 -6:30 p.m. for Teacher Education Candidates planning to
student teach the following semester. You will receive an email about one week prior
that will indicate your exact time and room for the Presentation and Interview. Check
the Teacher Education Handbook for the required items. These are marked with an *.
Kappa Delta PI - Education Honorary
If you have questions about membership, please see Dr. Kathy Collins or Dr. Rachel
Pool as they are , KDP co-sponsors.
Post Portfolio Presentation and Interviews
To be announced for Teacher Education Interns completing student teaching in the current
Praxis Test Information:
Important Dates
Important Appointments to Remember
- Check the website for further information.
- Praxis/Core may be taken once per calendar month or six times per year.
- Praxis II is only given on specified dates. Registration is in advance.
- Praxis II Content Tests are given at HSU.
- HSU testing days are Tuesday through Saturday.
- Contact HSU Testing Center at 870-230-5470.