Student Life
Telling your COVID story: A message from the university archivist
April 19, 202172 weeks. 504 days. 12,096 hours. The amount of time since COVID-19 quickly and dramatically changed life at Ouachita in the spring semester of 2021. We all have very clear memories of the week ending March 13. As the semester winds to a close at Ouachita, I ask for your help in documenting COVID-19 at Ouachita.
How to improve your mental health, coping skills while in college
April 07, 2021Everyone learns to cope, regardless of their situation in life, in ways that are healthy and unhealthy. For many young adults, college is a time when stress levels run high, sleep patterns are inconsistent and having one-too-many cups of coffee and stress eating – among other things – are common aids students use to keep themselves going. While this is often considered normal, the college years are a pivotal time for learning how to cope well in the adult world.
Finding my passion was a bit of a journey. After both transferring and changing my major twice, my unique Ouachita experience has helped me discover my true passion and led me to my current pursuit.
20 COVID-friendly activities to try this semester
August 21, 2020Now that you’re back on campus, it may be tough to reimagine your go-to activities and hanging out with your friends physically-distanced. So, let’s start fresh and change our perspective! Here are some activities and hobbies that you may have never done while a Ouachita student.
Contagious compassion and joy: Silver linings in the storm of COVID-19
May 13, 2020It sometimes takes a good rainstorm to better appreciate the sunshine. There I was sitting in my 11 o’clock class on a Tuesday morning, just like normal. My professor walks in and first thing out of his mouth is, “What do y’all think are the chances of Ouachita going online right now?” That was the first time I thought this virus would actually affect Ouachita.
"Prepare me to leave": Prayers for Ouachita, my old friend
April 17, 2020I’ve started this post a few times in my head now, and I just cannot seem to find the words. There is so much I feel as if I should say. I could talk about the people I came to know and love these past four years, my roommates, teachers, and friends.
From the "Ouachitonian": Claire Seale
December 30, 2019Genuine. Redeemed. Transparent. These were words used to describe Claire Seale, a junior English major from Little Rock. And it was her story that spurred these precious words to describe her unique personality.
Involvement is good – scratch that – involvement is great, and one of my personal favorite things about Ouachita Baptist University. There is something out there for everyone! My mistake was taking that as, “I am the someone for everything.” Ha, nope.
Best apps to use during your summer road trip
July 02, 2019Road trips are the peak of summer adventures with your friends and loved ones. Lucky for you, I consider myself to be an expert of the open road. My road trips have lasted anywhere from two days to three weeks, and I’ve traveled from the west coast to the east coast all while compacted in a vehicle.
Need a break? 8 spontaneous things you should do this spring
March 20, 2019During the spring semester I always get a restless feeling. It never fails: the days are longer, and I am ready for summer because it feels like my days are filled with classes, work and the occasionally stressful extracurricular activity. I often find it very difficult to just relax.
4 ways to break out of your comfort zone and have the college experience you want
April 15, 2021As a rising senior, it’s incredibly easy for me to look back at my college experience and say, “College was a time for growth.” I started my time at Ouachita as a shy freshman who just wanted to earn her degree, maybe go to a few events and get out. I was afraid to try anything outside of my comfort zone, lest I jeopardize my education.
Pandemic Profiles: Kari Ledford, Sodexo Retail and Marketing Manager
January 22, 2021Consider providing three meals a day to Ouachita’s residential campus of roughly 1,500 students, physically distanced, observing the Arkansas Department of Health and CDC’s vigilant cleaning guidelines and all while keeping lines of hungry students moving. For Kari Ledford, Sodexo’s retail and marketing manager, and her team, their focus was always Ouachita students and their safety.
Fall at Ouachita: A few of our favorite posts
November 24, 2020Although this fall semester has looked different in many ways, it hasn't stopped the seasons from changing or students from enjoying the beautiful fall weather!
Rethinking student life: Virtual ideas to keep it social
August 21, 2020If you think you’ve already done everything you could possibly do for fun using technology, here are a few suggestions you might not have tried yet.
Senior spring semester is known to be a time of lasts and greats. Last spring break trip, last spring fling, last trip to the lake, last sleepovers with all your friends and final goodbyes. This departure was inevitable. Due to spread of COVID-19 we had to say our goodbyes early. Yes, it is a disappointing time; however, there is much to learn in this season.
There are so many great apps out there designed to help your life in one way or the other, but it can be overwhelming to find them. Where do you even start? Here are some apps I’ve found helpful as a college student!
Top 10 things to do in nature this fall
September 27, 2019The days are getting shorter, temperatures are beginning to drop and the trees will soon be abundant with brilliant seasonal colors. You got that right, fall is on its way! The season of football, pumpkin-spice and spooky autumn nights. Don’t miss out on all the fun this season by enjoying these 10 activities to do in nature!
TWIRP, Tunes, Dr. Jack? Decoding everyday Ouachita life #askingforafriend
August 13, 2019We know you have questions about life in general at Ouachita. So, we’ve put together some common questions and answers to give it to you straight. You’ll start-off your freshman year with a few nuggets of knowledge to navigate this new world of Ouachita, complete with it’s own distinct culture and lingo – with no need to ask for your friends.
Breaking the "cycle": Fighting human trafficking on a 1,700-mile bike ride
April 17, 2019In the spring of 2018, I was training for a 50k. This is a roughly 31-mile run on mountainous trails. The week before this race, I went on a training run with a few friends. We started Friday evening, running well into the night. We were running on Lake Ouachita Vista Trail right outside of Hot Springs. After running 14 out of 20 miles, I found myself alone, in the dark, running down Hickory Nut Mountain.
Not rushing? Not in a social club? How you can still enjoy Rush & Induction Weeks.
January 14, 2019Right after the “most wonderful time of the year” comes what can sometimes feel like the loneliest time of the year. For “indies,” those of us who are not involved in a social club at Ouachita, Rush Week and Induction Week can totally change your normal social interactions because your club friends are so busy. But don’t worry!
About the Ouachita Voices blog
The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].
Read more about the vision of the blog here.
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