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Ouachita Stories


How do I not stress out about a campus tour? #askingforafriend

November 14, 2019

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: college hunting season! For some, this time is filled with excitement and joy. For others, it is a little scary and overwhelming, or a mixture of both! Below are six tips that may answer a few questions you have and give you confidence in becoming a college tourist.


How do I even begin my college search? #askingforafriend

November 07, 2019

If you’re searching for a college to attend, where do you even begin? To ease some of the stress, and avoid any #askingforafriend anxiety, here a few bits of advice to answer the common questions that pop up as you begin the college search.


10 facts about C.S. Lewis you may not know

October 24, 2019

November is the birth month of author and theologian C.S. Lewis. Here are 10 facts you may not know about C.S. Lewis and his first book in the Narnia chronicles.


Top 10 things to do in nature this fall

September 27, 2019

The days are getting shorter, temperatures are beginning to drop and the trees will soon be abundant with brilliant seasonal colors. You got that right, fall is on its way! The season of football, pumpkin-spice and spooky autumn nights. Don’t miss out on all the fun this season by enjoying these 10 activities to do in nature!


Explore Ouachita! delivers a tight-knit campus experience

September 23, 2019

The summer of my senior year of high school, I attended Explore Ouachita! (what used to be called GROW, or Getting Ready for Ouachita’s World) for the first time. I didn’t know much about Explore – or Ouachita for that matter – but my dad urged me to attend. He said he just knew that Ouachita would be the perfect fit for me and that I would fall in love with it. Little did I know at that point in time that he was exactly right.


Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

September 19, 2019

Hispanic and Latino Americans have positively shaped our society, so it is only right to celebrate their accomplishments and contributions during Hispanic Heritage Month, held from September 15 to October 15.


The summer of a lifetime

September 17, 2019

A few years ago, sitting in Evans Student Center, I overheard someone say, “It’s a lot easier to live the life of your dreams than you think.” This idea set me free and opened a whole world that dared me to dream big and work harder. This summer I got to live my dream job: I was a videography intern for a nonprofit’s cross-country bike adventure.


4 tips for starting a zero waste lifestyle

September 09, 2019

Most beginner guides for going zero waste are full of simple swaps, but there’s so much more to zero waste living than replacing your household items. Don’t get me wrong, I love swaps, too, but I think the tips below are the four most important tips I can give you for going zero waste. They’re essentially the building block of zero waste, minimalism and eco-friendly living.


Ouachita's favorite mascots

September 03, 2019

Tripp and Talley are well-known faces around the Ouachita campus. They are Ouachita athletics’ most spirited fans and are loved by many. Have you ever wondered the history behind our furry friends?


A prayer for wisdom in the back-to-school rush

August 22, 2019

As I write this, I’m looking through my newsfeed and seeing all the “first day of school” pictures. It wasn’t so long ago that I was posting these same photos. I love hearing the moms share how their kids responded to a new classroom, new friends, a new teacher and maybe even a new school. These transitions can cause our hearts to be anxious as we anticipate all the obstacles our child/children may encounter or needs they may have.


Why Read C. S. Lewis?: Literature both sweet and useful

November 12, 2019

Like so many readers, I first encountered C. S. Lewis’ books as a child: one summer, I stashed a copy of The Chronicles of Narnia in my suitcase before a family vacation and, after staying up far later than I should’ve to discover how Shasta and Bree, Aravis and Hwin would end their adventures in The Horse and His Boy, I devoured the rest of the series in days.


Food from home

October 29, 2019

Food is a reason to gather with our friends and family. Food is also something that is nostalgic, whether from our childhood, special occasions or cool places we’ve visited. For many of us, food reminds us of home and our community. Our international students on Ouachita’s campus feel exactly the same way, but they cannot simply go home for a weekend if they are missing home.


What threatens me

September 27, 2019

I recently read “The Coddling of the American Mind,” a book as dismaying as it is excellent. It was a painful reminder to me of just how alive and well and ubiquitous is the censorious mind these days.


While I may disagree, should I not have empathy?

September 24, 2019

The first book I remember being scandalized by is Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple,” which I first read my junior year of high school. We had read other previously banned books in class, but none that I actually thought merited being banned.


How dare Homer!

September 23, 2019

In the fall semester of 2018, Dr. Wink and I taught again a seminar for the Honors Program that we had first offered some fifteen years before: Banned Books. Just a few weeks before the semester was to begin, The New York Times published a story that let us know how deeply vital the subject remained, that it was a far more pressing issue for the current age than it had been when we had offered the seminar years before.


Test your best

September 18, 2019

Standardized tests are … well … standard in the college process, but your score is a huge factor in college acceptance and scholarship decisions. While it may not feel fair that a test affects so much, you want the results to show the very best that you can do.


Looking to reduce your waste?

September 11, 2019

When looking to go zero waste, dip your toe into waste reduction or be more eco-friendly, my first suggestion is always the Big Four! The Big Four are four simple, easy swaps popularized by Plastic Free July. These four items are easy to avoid and make up a huge portion of waste in landfills and the ocean. All of these swaps are convenience items that are easy to avoid, and I’ll show you how.


Intellectual and spiritual growth

September 03, 2019

At Ouachita, we have fun and don’t take ourselves too seriously. But we’re serious about intellectual and spiritual growth, and I want to spend a few moments introducing this year’s theme.


Overcommitted and overwhelmed

August 26, 2019

Involvement is good – scratch that – involvement is great, and one of my personal favorite things about Ouachita Baptist University. There is something out there for everyone! My mistake was taking that as, “I am the someone for everything.” Ha, nope.


10 things parents of a college freshman need to know

August 22, 2019

In my 32 years as a Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) campus minister at another Arkansas university, as well as a current consultant in collegiate ministry for LifeWay Christian Resources, I have learned a few things that every parent needs to know as they prepare to launch their freshman college student.


About the Ouachita Voices blog


The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].

Read more about the vision of the blog here. 




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